The Sugar Bar

April 15, 2006

April Babies!

Filed under: bananas,cakes,chocolate,muffins — by vievondee @ 1:40 pm

15th of April! The day to produce Lianne’s spread for her party on Sunday. Was really nervous when i started baking and doing the prep work. It’s always like this when i’m making something for a big event. Baking jitters! Who would have thought? 😀
From what I know, it’s a little party to celebrate the birthdays of 10 adorable April babies. And these babies can’t take sugar or eggs so the lil cupcakes that DIVANA came up with had little sugar, mostly banana and some honey with no egg at all. Honestly, I believe it was really ambitious of Sam and I to try doing such a recipe (not because i’m such a big fan of eggs and sugar) but because we’ve just about never tried something like that before! And to start it right out with a recipe of our own…dangerous…like balancing on a cliff in with a big jug of sloshing milk. The cupcakes (which are really muffins…) came out good and solid, smelling heavenly with their banana-ish perfume.

They weren’t overly sweet but had a good texture and wholesome taste to it. Hopefully, they find a satisfied home in the stomachs of those pretty babies! I can only cross my fingers and hope with all my heart. What I really loved bout these cupcakes were the names piped onto them. I thought it was such a sweet thing to do…get one cupcake for each baby. Sam and I couldn’t resist adding the little heart quins too. Adding a little of our love 🙂 Sam started fantasising abt how this was her life..baking for babies..(of course she means her children)..fulfilling her dream of being a wonderful mother and a baking goddess in the kitchen, which of course i’m 100% confident of her becoming! She’s amazing and i know she’ll love her children and shower em with all the fat-full goodness of sugar, eggs and butter. Ritey sam? 😀 C’mon admit’s the only way to love em these days.

The chocolate cake was also the original DIVANA cake, made extra chocolatey as instructed by Lianne cause the adults apparently are chocolate fanatics. 😀 My kind of people. Well..all in all, it was a good day taking a rest from work and enjoying myself baking for people who love to eat.

So hey guys! I do hope you all really really REALLY enjoy em. And thanks Lianne for supporting me with your order. Somehow I hope you won’t regret it. Maybe if it’s bad, just don’t contact me. Ha, so I can silently wallow in my shame. Have a nice time tmr!

p/s World Gourmet Summit is going on now. I’m so tempted to go for those classes or at least one of those 195++ per head dinners but that’s major overkill and way past my budget considering i’m flying out to UK next week. Money’s just never enough and the world’s too big for my wallet!


  1. haha.. ure probably having a wonderful time now in birmingham babe! argh! cant wait for my turn to go too! but yes, in case u forgot, YOU are part of that lil dreamy mama fantasy of mine ok…! sunday afternoons where our kids will all be playing tgtr? Hulloo! hoping they turned out well too man! :p toodles

    Comment by *sam — April 21, 2006 @ 1:14 am |Reply

  2. ha..sam? my kids? WHAT kids. *wink*

    Comment by diva. — April 28, 2006 @ 1:32 pm |Reply

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