The Sugar Bar

May 24, 2007

Long Hiatus & DIVANA’s status

Filed under: Uncategorized — by vievondee @ 11:34 am

My apologies to anyone who has attempted to contact DIVANA at or left msges on this url. The people behind DIVANA are out of the country and hence, any order-taking has come to a standstill and I am really sorry for not replying anyone who has tried to get in contact with us.
Would like to say tht our email is up and running again, so any queries can be sent to that particular address or mine at However, do realise that we may not be able to process your order depending on when your order is needed because we are currently pursuing our studies abroad and are rarely back in Singapore. The likely dates of us being back in town would be end July-early August and the Christmas period. Anyway, whatever it is, you can always drop us an email 🙂

Business aside,
life’s been pretty good and the long hiatus will continue for a little while longer.
It’s been great in terms of inspiration and my mind is full of new ideas from English culture, Italian and French. Do expect more sweet secrets on this blog soon enough and also, some fusion concoctions, which believe me, may not be anything as good as the traditionalist but contains enough kick to send you into a flurry of devotion to it!
I havent been able to update much because of the multiple times i’ve wacked up my camera so no pictures of any cakes, scones, biscuits or dishes. Deepest apologies. I am very disappointed in myself too for not keeping this url up and running. I suppose I will have to change tht pretty soon!
Anyhow, do expect updates come end June into July. The advent of summer shall bring some interesting news.

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