The Sugar Bar

January 13, 2008

Tuna Steak in Olive Oil with Coriander Pesto Courgette-Peppers

Filed under: fish — by vievondee @ 11:31 pm

Fish dinners are great. Good for a simple, posh meal or a humble dish between friends; clean taste if you don’t want something too heavy and intense, or that will fill you up too much leaving you no room for pudding! I feel I’m coming down with something too so fish was definitely a healthier option for me tonight.

The types of fish I really like are cod, haddock, sea bass, monkfish and tuna. I know to some it’s an outrage salmon isn’t on that list but I don’t know why. really not a fan of its taste. It is lovely when cooked well but I just don’t particularly fancy it. Strange I know. Tuna is the ultimate favourite because they’re so easy, especially in sandwiches and wraps that are quick to go when I’m too poor for lunch at the pub or at the university cafe. They have quite a distinct lemony flavour as well and good solid bite to it. A plus point is that they’re pretty much fatfree, rich in omega and aren’t too high up the price list.

With tuna steaks, one has to be careful not to overcook them or they will become rubbery and tough. They usually only need a few minutes on each side, frying in a pan of hot olive oil on medium heat. Because of its own flavour, tuna steaks seldom require any extra sauces. Lemon or fresh herbs are usually the best with this fish as it does not overpower the tuna steak itself. For tonight’s dinner, I simply cooked the fish with a little cracked pepper. Stirfried some chopped courgettes and orange peppers very quickly and flavoured it with a coriander pesto (mmm…the smell of coriander is just heavenly. it gives it an oriental aspect as well if you’d like to head in that direction). I didn’t add any salt at any point. Sounds odd as I usually do in most of my meals but I have a thing abt fish being overly saltish. It’s great for certain fish but when it is too much, it feels as though the fish wasn’t even cooked and came right from the sea. Works for some. But not too much for me. I like to taste more flavour than ”seawater” if you know what I mean. Topped this by grating a Gold Medal Royal Welsh Show 2007 mature cheddar over it before eating.

I remember watching Ready Steady Cook (yes that very flamboyant Ainsley Harriot) and one of the head chefs on there said cheese and fish is a big no no. I have to agree that most of the time it really isn’t such a good idea. But can’t support that statement fully as well because I admit to having had a very good fish quiche once. And I love my marinara with lots and lots of fresh grated parmesan. Anyhow, I justify myself only by saying that my craving for cheese outweighed everythin else. And a tiny bit over the courgettes was a good idea when it started melting into it and blending in with the pesto.


  1. looks like a light yet filling meal…

    Comment by jeff — January 16, 2008 @ 4:52 am |Reply

  2. i really dig these new food shots! (: well done honey! keep those yums coming *sam

    Comment by divana — January 18, 2008 @ 1:24 am |Reply

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